Personal Projects

LBNL Research
My project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, under the Computational Research Division, was entitled "I/O Performance Anlysis Framework on Measurement Data from Scientific Clusters". An I/O performance analysis framework was developed using Python, Apache Spark, Python's Matplotlib, and iPython to identify performance characteristics and I/O performance bottlenecks in scientific applications.
UJPB Website
As the Chief Technology Officer of UJPB, I update and maintain the Undergraduate Journal of Pyschology at Berkeley's website located at, hosted by Wordpress. I am currently creating a new website using HTML and CSS that will be hosted on Github. This new website is a work in progress and can be found at
Website Code
This 3D animation short was created in the UCBUGG decal at UC Berkeley using Maya with five other teammates. I worked on a lot of the actual animation involving both the protagonist and the origami, modeling origami and furniture in the room, and basic shading. Enjoy!
Film My Rendition
This Hangman web application was created at the UC Berkeley Hackjam with two teammates. We used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Words are chosen at random by the computer.
Application Code
Companion College
I created an advertisement website for Companion College, which is a working prototype of a website to connect college bound students, college students, and alumni, and allow them to post and answer questions. I used HTML, CSS, and Photoshop.
Application Code
Fortune Cookie Me!
I created a virtual fortune cookie application that allows the user to click on the fortune cookie to open it and discover their fortune. This is Fortune Cookie Me! version 2.0. Version 1.0 can be found here and the code here. I used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Application Code
Rock Paper Scissors
I created a virtual rock paper scissors game that allows the user to play against the computer. The computer chooses moves randomly so the user wins purely based upon chance. I used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Application Code
UC Berkeley GPA Calculator
I created a UC Berkeley GPA calculator that calculates a student's overall GPA. It allows the user to add more class textfields depending on how many classes the user has taken. I used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Application Code
Binary Conversion
I created a binary conversion calculator that converts positive base ten decimal numbers to binary. It also converts positive base two binary numbers to decimal. I used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Application Code
CS GPA Calculator
I created a UC Berkeley Computer Science GPA calculator that calculates a student's GPA of prerequisite classes. I used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Application Code
Ally's Website
I made this personal website for my sister, Ally, with HTML and CSS. All the graphics are my own and I edited them with Photoshop. This website can be viewed on
Website Code
Personal Website
My personal website that I created as a portfolio to reflect all of my projects and experience activities I have worked on throughout my career. I created this with HTML and CSS and all graphics are my own. My website can be viewed on two hosts: and
Website Code
This project is in progress, but was created as our CS Scholars project at UC Berkeley. It is an Android app programmed in Java meant to act as an automatic reply to text messages when the user is too busy to respond.