High School Projects

Precious Pretzels
This website I designed and created through Adobe Dreamweaver in the Web Design class at Dougherty Valley High school. All pictures were created and modified with Adobe Photoshop. This website won honorable mention in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District's student recognition project.
NeighborHoot is an Android app created with MIT App inventor for the Technovation challenge. It is a community watch application that connects users and informs members on how to respond to certain neighborhood situations. Users can post about various problems through the Panic Button, and learn fun safety tips through the Adventure Game.
Presentation Business Plan
Scurry the Squirrel
I designed and wrote this online children's book through Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop in the Web Design class at Dougherty Valley High School. I created all the images and wrote the storyline. This publication is entitled, "Scurry the Squirrel and the Race". Enjoy!
Travel the Universe
Travel the Universe was created in Visual Basic as my final project for VS.net. It includes an interactive map so users can learn about different countries before they visit them. There is a time calculator to calculate the estimated amount of flight time and a currency conversion calculator.
Friends of the Dublin Library
While volunteering with the Friends of the Dublin Library, I designed the graphic layout of their fliers and bookmarks with Microsoft Publisher. This bookmark was specially printed and used to promote their booksales. I attended the Friends of the Library board meeting and the farmers' market to promote my bookmark.
Dublin Info